We headed back to Nashville, TN for the first Dixie Shootout regional race of 2015. Dillon was all set to make his Jr. Honda debut, but Mother Nature had other ideas. The kids played and had a good time while we watched it rain, eventually resulting in the races being postponed until tomorrow.
A lot of cars show up from all over the region to try and make it into the Dixie Shootout races. One big difference between racing these as a rookie and racing in the competitive classes (like Jr. Honda) is that as a rookie, everyone makes the feature race. In the competitive classes, we have lower mains to whittle down the field for the feature race to only 10 cars. Our main goal for the regional races this year is just to be one of the cars that makes it into the feature. The competition is fierce and the Junior classes consistently have the highest car counts, so it will be a tall order but hopefully something we can manage to accomplish.
Dillon qualified 14th out of 15 cars in Jr Honda. He will start 8th in
the B Main to try and race his way into the feature. His times improved
from practice to qualifying, so we just hope he continues to improve
each time he goes out.
In the B Main race, he put
down his best times of the day! He did GREAT,
probably the best he's ever looked on the track. Had some passes and
just looked like he belonged out there. He also really listened to the
advice his daddy gave him about changing his line, which made Ron very
happy, too!
Dillon did great in his first Jr Honda B Main. We didn't transfer into
the feature, but Dillon did finish 5th, which made us the X car. If
another car had come out of the race before the first lap was complete, he would have gotten to go out on the track to be in the race. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, but we are so proud of this boy anyway for even having a shot against all the veteran drivers that he was up against!
It was a long day and a very long drive home after the races that night, but overall traveling to Nashville to race was totally worth it!